Some time ago, I called the cable company that provides Internet services to my business, Computer PC Medic, Computer Repair. We discussed renegotiating the price of our Internet service plan. The agent told me we should get 100 Mbps (megabits per second) download speed. I told him the best we had seen was 80 Mbps. He mentioned that we might need a new and faster modem to see greater Internet speeds. The modem we have is about two years old, so it’s not very old. According to the cable agent, Internet transfer speeds are continually increasing.
The technicians at Computer PC Medic have been noticing intermittent Internet download hesitations. I thought this might be a good time to upgrade to a new, faster modem. After we installed the new modem, the download speed increased from 80 Mps to 120 Mbps. Yes, that is 50% faster than we were getting before. The only thing that changed was the modem. Wow!
We must note that we purchase our equipment rather than renting from the cable company. When you buy your own equipment, you save the rental fee (about $120/year in our case) and can buy higher quality new equipment. We found that we could purchase a top-of-the-line modem every year for the price we were leasing aging equipment from the cable company. So, instead of leasing a medium-quality modem/router from your provider, we recommend you use that money to buy a high-quality modem and WIFI router. You will get much better performance and WIFI coverage.
If you insist on renting your equipment, call your Internet service provider every two years and have them upgrade your equipment for free. You will get their newest technology; after all, you are paying for it every month of every year.