Wi-Fi Coverage and Internet Speed Experts
Better Wi-Fi Coverage, Faster Gaming & Internet Browsing & Smoother Movie Streaming!
Home & Office Internet, Wi-Fi & Networking
Home and business offices have specific Internet and networking needs. These needs are unique to your equipment and floor plan. You can’t count on your Internet service provider (ISP) to provide adequate wireless (Wi-Fi) coverage. Why, because their only goal is to connect you to their Internet service and send you a monthly bill. It’s a one-size fits all solution. Only too soon, you realize that some of your laptops, printers and smart TV’s have a weak or no Internet Wi-Fi signal. The bad news is that if you call your ISP for help, they will tell you they don’t ensure Wi-Fi coverage. In fact, they won’t even set up your Wi-Fi devices or network. Here’s the good news. We do provide WiFi setup and coverage services that are customized to your needs.
How we meet your Home or Business Networking Needs
- Our first step is to walk through your home or business and take note of all your network and Internet-dependent devices. We will make sure every computer, printer, smart TV, laptop, tablet, Alexa, and VOIP is connected to your network and Internet.
- Next, we will compare your monthly Internet plan with the actual Internet speed you are getting. If you are renting your equipment from your ISP, we will make sure it is delivering the speed you are paying for.
- The next step is to check your Wi-Fi coverage. Your existing equipment will be repositioned or replaced to ensure total coverage. Did you know that you can save $120/year by buying your equipment instead of renting your modem and router? By purchasing your own modem and Wi-Fi router you will end up with faster Internet speeds and better Wi-Fi coverage.
- The last step is to connect all of your wired and wireless devices into one network. When we finish our onsite networking service, your Wi-Fi will cover all of your wireless devices and be password-secure from local cyber thieves. In addition, your Internet browsing will be fast, Internet gaming and movie streaming will run smoothly.